Christof Paar

Christof Paar is a founding director at MPI-SP in Bochum, Germany and affiliated professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. His research lies in the area of embedded security. His group is currently working on hardware Trojans, technical and cognitive aspects of (hardware) reverse engineering, physical layer security and the security of cyber-physical systems. He is one of the spokespersons of the Excellence Cluster CASA - Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries.

Prior to joining the MPI, Christof was with the Ruhr University Bochum (2001-2019) and WPI in Massachusetts (1995-2001). He spent the academic years 2008/09 and 2014 - 2016 as a research professor at UMass Amherst. He received a Ph.D. in engineering from the Institute for Experimental Mathematics at the University of Essen in 1994.

Embedded Security Group

Nils Albartus
Steffen Becker
Maik Ender
Felix Hahn
Simon Klix
Julian Speith
Paul Staat
René Walendy

Former Members

Susanne Engels
Marc Fyrbiak
Maximilian Golla
Carl-Daniel Hailfinger
Max Hoffmann
Endres Puschner
Johannes Tobisch
Sebastian Wallat
Carina Wiesen
Pascal Zimmer
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